Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Problem solver

How do you slove a problem like Maria?

Yo, gotta problem? I'll solve it, check out the beat while the DJ revolves it!

Ok thats all the "problem" songs I know...but seriously...I WILL solve your problems if you have some.

At least thats what I believe, and yet today, I sit here, somewhat overwhelmed...and I can't even seem to solve the problem of why I am overwhelmed, much less, all the actual problems that seem so big and heavy to me today. Rarely do I feel better, then when I have come up with a solution to a seemingly unsolvable quandry. I get a high from it. It has taken me a long time to understand in my marriage, that is NOT (or rarely) what Sarah wants from me, usually just a listening, sympathetic ear. I love pressure and "being the hero" who comes up with a brilliant idea to save the day...and yet...today...nothing. Its wierd, I feel scared and anxious, like i have a big pit in my stomach...like I might throw up (If I had gotten a lunch break or eaten anything) What can I do to help a friend making perhaps the most difficult descision of her life...who seems somewhat frustrated at this point with my silence. What do I tell my friend who is seemingly watching his young father best friend rapidly die of cancer? How can I help kids who don't or can't accept my help? What do I say or feel about church I once lived for and its current state of being? How can I make less money and still climb out of debt? How can I be a better Father? How can I be a better husband, someone who really understands the deep inner workings of my wife and what she needs...how can I be a better friend...why the hell is this bringing tears to my eyes! Thats better...I think It was just something in my eye!

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