Monday, January 18, 2010


As apparently several other members of my family were, I was inspired by my Wife to start blogging again. I am going to take a different approach, perhaps a more serious/reflective tone than previous posts...although I won't shy away from my rants should there need to be one!
I have never been one to be vulnerable with people in general. If you know me well( I see the irony in this statement...believe me!), you will know this to be true. I am guarded and keep people at a distance, mostly using sarcasm and humor. This has seemingly worked for me for a long time. The problem however, is that as I get older and realize that I have few deep friendships, or people who really know me...and it seems now more than ever, I want that...I want people to see through me... to really know me...but I have become TOO good at keeping people at a distance and am more convinced than ever...that I don't know how to be friends with people. It is a sad realization. I have had suspiscion of this fact for some time now, but have usually dismissed it because it was too uncomfortable to think about. SO now what...its out there...

1 comment:

  1. if you want to practice being you vs. being "you", i'm available ;)
    p.s. glad to see you back in the blog world, i'll be one of the first to say i missed your blogs!!
