Friday, March 5, 2010

Stickin to it!

So the last couple days have been rough...I have been Sick again!!!! And wednesday was an exceptional day at bit, kicked 4 times, had to physically remove a youth from the middle of the road he was lying on, stop traffic (secretly hoping people that know me, but don't know what I do everyday would catch a glimpse of what a day looks like for me) All those great tingly feelings I had on the day I worte my last blog have all but dissipated...but instead of going back to the way things were before that night, I am stickin to it! I have felt better in that last 3 weeks than I have in a long time. Its really wierd not being annoyed all the time. I am not on edge, and I can think clearly, I can concentrate better, focus on what others need. I am happy, satisfied, and not stressed out. I can think about stressful things without becoming overwhelmed. I sleep better, I am not "eating my feelings" anymore...I still eat, but because I love it, not cause I need it. :)
I have found myself giggling at bad drivers, and when seemingly good drivers do stupid things, instead of hating them and giving them a dirty look, I feel bad for them because I know that they know they messed up...but ultimately, I just don't care anymore...and its making a big difference in my life! I am looking forward to what comes next, I like feeling this way!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you son and proud of you. Changes do not come easy and I am glad that you are sticking to your new way of life. You will be glad that you did.
