Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Ok...no more mister cloudy skies, rainy day, poor me, validate me, love me, give me a shot in the arm...its over!
I was fortunate last night to Hear Robb Powell speak at the University of Waterloo's humanities theatre @ The Embassy. It is quite possible that last night was a "watershed moment" for me. A turning point, or a new beginning...is that enough trite phrases for you? Robb was there to speak about Grief, and as a man who tragically lost his 22year old son on Dec 11th 2009, he may know a thing or two about it. What he said about grief was not profound or new information, but the way he spoke about the life of his son, and how he lived his life was damatically profound...at least to me. In particular, one of his other sons spoke about his brother for a moment...and what he said impacted me deeply. He said, "Dave never hated anyone, he always forgave everyone" "He didn't only befriend people he could gain something from" "He loved everyone"

I know that doesn't sound all that profound, but it sounds familiar...like Jesus maybe? I am not saying Dave was perfect, no one was saying that, but what was said was that he live his life fully and squeezed everything he could from everyday. I have heard that message a hundred times, so why did it stick last night...probably because of the last 4 posts I have written...I was ready to hear it I guess. Robb just had a way of saying things that made sense to me...about life, about God, about Dave and how he lived a good life and about being "built for eternity". Then at the end, we sang a song which has been becoming more real to me everytime I sing it..."how he loves" by John Mark Mcmillan and the line in that song that sealed the deal for me "I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way, He Love us, whoa how he loves us"

So thats it... no more wasting time on pettyness, or things that don't really matter no more bitterness, no more anger and unforgiveness no more nonsense! More living, more loving, more giving, more sharing, more transparency, more vulnerability, more JOY, more laughs, more savouring, more appreciating, more life! ...OR AT LEAST THAT S THE GOAL!


  1. Hey Benny. I was in Mississauga all day Monday and headed back late to Waterloo and thought for sure I was going to miss Embassy and Robb Powell's talk. But surprisingly there was no traffic and I zoomed back in 45 minutes. I called Carolyn at 7:05 pm to tell her I was almost home and to be ready to jump into the car. But she reminded me that we were already late and wondered if we should bother going. I told her "I think tonight may be a watershed moment for the Embassy" (sound familiar?) She said "Well I don't want to miss a "watershed moment" and we made it to Humanities by 7:25 pm.

    It's funny you used that phrase in your post because for two weeks I've been thinking the Robb Powell's talk would be a "watershed moment".

    Since his death, our family has been impacted by Dave Powell's life through the inspirational effect it's had on Katie. And his Dad'd talk last night (and everything else that went along with it) was profound and powerful. You were not alone in being blown away.

  2. There was an old song that dad used sing that said Lord your changing me--keep tenderly
    changing me and I think that is what God is doing with both you and Sarah and that is awesome.
    Blessings and love
    Dad and mom
